what could be problem if Couple does not do sexual intercourse since long time ?

There are many problems can happen if Couple don't do sexual intercourse for a long time.Do you know it?

For a men:For men, abstaining from intercourse for a long time may not necessarily lead to as many physical issues as it might for women. However, some potential physical effects could include decreased sperm quality or quantity, potential discomfort or pain during intercourse when resuming sexual activity, and pobably reduced libido. It's important to note that these effects can vary from person to person, and maintaining overall sexual health through regular exercise, healthy diet, and open communication with a partner is essential. 

For a women:For women, not engaging in intercourse for an extended period can lead to several physical issues. These may include vaginal dryness and tightness, decreased elasticity of vaginal tissues, increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) due to reduced natural lubrication and changes in the vaginal microbiome, and potentially weakened pelvic floor muscles. Additionally, there may be psychological effects such as decreased sexual desire or arousal. Regular pelvic floor exercises and open communication with a healthcare provider can help address and prevent some of these issues.

Blood Pressure:If you don't intercourse only once a week or three or five times a month, it can put stress on your body. Day by day increases BP.

Secondly,immune system will be weakened.

Thirdly, You will start to feel frustrated.

Forthly,the skin looks lifeless and dull.

Fithly,a change ofprostate cancer

Summerily,If a couple abstains from sexual intercourse for a long period, it can have various effects on their relationship and personal well-being. Please read the following paragraphs.

1. Relationship strain: Lack of sexual intimacy may lead to emotional distance and strain in the relationship.

2. Communication breakdown: It may become harder for the couple to communicate openly about their needs and desires.

3. Decreased intimacy: Physical intimacy is an important aspect of many romantic relationships, and its absence can lead to a decrease in overall intimacy.

4. Emotional frustration: Both partners may experience feelings of frustration, rejection, or inadequacy if their sexual needs are not being met.

5. Medical issues: Prolonged abstinence from sexual activity can lead to physical issues such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, or vaginal dryness.

6. Psychological impact: It can also affect mental health, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem.

7. Relationship satisfaction: Overall relationship satisfaction may decrease if sexual intimacy is lacking.

It's important for couples to communicate openly about their sexual needs and desires and seek support from a therapist or counselor if needed.

Amal Biswas


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