William Blake:The Poet, Poems, works and life

William Blake:The Poet, Poems,His works and life


William Blake is Considered a 'Visionary' and a 'Prophetic' Poet who through the combination of his literacy genius and creative as a skilled painter and engraver added a dash of life to hid literacy work.

He had serious philosophical inclinations early in the life and cultivated a wide knowledge of Theology which significantly found reflection in both his literacy and artistic words.

William Blake life 

William Blake was born on 28 November 1757 and died on 12 August 1827.He was born to Catherine Hermitage blake and James Blake who were native to London. William Blake was brought up in a devout and religious household and mostly tutored at home by his mother.

As a young boy, he attended a drawing school called the Henry pars's drawing school to be trained as a skilled Draughtsman. He attended the royal academy for a long time before he made up his mind to take up engraving as his chosen profession.

Thus, at a very tender age, William Blake had received training and apprenticeship with the engraver James Basire. You may take note of the fact that the 'Bible' was a major influence through out his life,which also found a creative expression through his literacy works.

His poems were accompanied by illustrations and Hand-made etchings which were indeed a labour of love. His illustrations for works like the Book of Job were indeed masterpieces that had earned him wide acclaim as a printer and engraver.

William Blake Marriage life 

William Blake, the renowned English poet, painter, and printmaker, married Catherine Boucher in 1782. Their marriage was reportedly a strong and supportive partnership. Catherine assisted Blake in his artistic endeavors, helping with the production of his illuminated books. They had no children who survived infancy, but they remained devoted to each other throughout their lives. Blake's relationship with Catherine was integral to his creative work, and she played a significant role in supporting his artistic vision.

William Blake Works

Among his major literary works are his volumes of poetry comprising epic or narrative poems like Songs of innocence and of experience (1789),his first collection of poetry poetical Sketches(1783),Tiriel(1789),The Book of Thel(1789),The Song of los(1795),Jerusalem(1804-18020),Vision of the Daughters of Albion(1793),Milton :A poem(1804-1810),Song of liberty(1906).

His Prophetic books include :America:A prophecy (1793),Europe :Prophecy(1794),The book of urizen(1797),The book ofbAhania(1795),the unfinished vala or the four zoas(1797) and in the parts The Marriage of Heaven and Hell composed between 1790 and 1793.

(1795), the The Four 208 (1797) and in parts The Marriage of Heaven and Hell composed between 1790 and 1793.

Blake poured elements of mythology, religious and personal symbolism into his literary works and brought them alive with his remarkable illustrations. He was inspired by the art works of the classical masters such as Michelangelo, Raphael and Albert Durer.

The etchings and engravings created by him are an enriching visual delight and contain mystical, religious and mythological figures that leaves one all the more curious to know about them. Having spent a fulfilling life, Blake had breathed his last on 12 August 1827, followed by his wife in the year 1831. A memorial was built at Westminster Abbey in the year 1957 in their memory.


William Blake's legacy is as profound as the depths of his imagination. Through his visionary poetry and art, he transcended conventional boundaries, offering glimpses into realms of spirituality, creativity, and social critique. His works continue to inspire and challenge readers and artists alike, inviting us to question, explore, and ultimately, to see the world with new eyes. Blake's enduring influence reminds us of the power of individual vision and the timeless relevance of artistic expression.

(Post Article from : Sources) 

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